The Military College of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies trains specialists in the educational and professional degree “Professional Junior Bachelor” for contract military service in the positions of non-commissioned and warrant military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Colonel Kyrylo V. ZLOBIN
lecturer of the highest category
Lieutenant Colonel Yurii A. BURMAK
lecturer of the highest category
Lieutenant Colonel Oleksandr V. YERMOLENKO
The Military College of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies was established in accordance with the Joint Order of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine №476/877 dated 21.09.2009 "On additional measures to organize training of Non-Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers at the educational and qualification level "Junior Specialist" for the Armed Forces of Ukraine".
Specialties in which training is carried out: 122 "Computer Science" and 172 "Telecommunications and radio engineering", and in modern conditions is in demand in the army. The term of study at the college is 2 years.
Cycle commission "On general education disciplines"
Cycle commission "On combined arms disciplines"
Cycle commission "On the operation of computer systems and networks"
Cycle commission "On the operation of military communications equipment"
The material and technical base of the College includes: an academic building (classrooms, laboratories, conference halls, libraries), a dormitory, a stadium, a sports hall, a sports town, a training ground, a signals training area, a military shooting range, a tactical training field, a canteen, a bathhouse.
During their 3-year training, cadets are not only provided with fundamental and special knowledge in the field of Communications, which allows them to take their rightful place in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also at the same time educated in the spirit of patriotism and respect for their country, for combat and military traditions.
Website: Military College of Non-Commissioned Officers of MITIT
© Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, 2009-2024.
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