Lieutenant Colonel Yevhen A. HES
The Faculty of Information Technologies is one of the main organizational and academic and research structural divisions of the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies.
The main purpose of the Faculty is to provide the conditions necessary for the implementation of educational activities that meet the standards of higher education and provide training, according to the State order, of exceptionally well qualified military specialists at the levels of Higher Education, first (Bachelor's) level, second (Master's) level.
Educational activities at the Faculty ensure that cadets (students, trainees) acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities in the humanitarian, social, natural science, technical and military spheres necessary for professional activity, and their intellectual, moral, spiritual, aesthetic and physical development.
1. Military specialists (cadets) in intramural form of study, in the following specialties:
2. Contract military servicemen in the system of extramural form of study at the level of Higher Education First (Bachelor's) level.
3. Training in career development course for conscripted officers (trainees).
Main customers for training specialists:
The main structural divisions of the Faculty are:
The Department of Automated Control Systems is a graduate department and trains military specialists with the level of Higher Education first (Bachelor's), second (Master's) in the specialty "126 Information Systems and Technologies", specialization "Automated Control Systems of Troops and Weapons". Graduates of the Department are prepared for professional activities in the maintenance and operation of automated command and control systems, the creation of local area networks and the use of modern information and telecommunications technologies to automate control processes. Scientific and technical activities of the Department are aimed at research and improvement of the construction of modern information-computer networks, development of theoretical and applied fundamentals for intelligent data flow management, taking into account the experience of conducting the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the east of the country, to create the latest systems of mobile radio networks for automated control of troops.
Colonel Eduard M. BOVDA
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
The Department of Computer Information Technologies is a graduate department and trains military specialists with the level of Higher Education first (Bachelor's), second (Master's) in the specialty "122 Computer Science", specialization "Mathematical Support, Information Support and Software of military information systems". Graduates of the Department are prepared for professional activities in the design, creation and operation of military information systems, creation of application software and application of modern information technologies for automation of control processes. Scientific and technical activities of the Department are aimed at studying the regularities of building Information Communications and developing theoretical and applied fundamentals for building and implementing intelligent information technologies, taking into account the experience of conducting an Anti-Terrorist Operation in the east of the country, to create the latest systems for accumulating, processing, storing information and control systems of troops and weapons.
The Department provides fundamental technical and metrological training of cadets (students, trainees). The process of education is closely related to the nature of their future professional activities. The Department trains drivers of vehicles of categories “B”, “C” from among the cadets of the Institute; provides military scientific support, develops and tests telecommunications equipment and automated control systems of the field component of the military communication system. Cadets who are trained at the Department receive skills in operating power supply systems for telecommunications and power stations and power generating sets for various purposes.
The Department carries out scientific and scientific-technical activities in the areas that fall within the competence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: development of methods of justification and control of compliance with the requirements for the formation of the nomenclature of existing and new systems (complexes, samples) of weapons and military equipment and their components, methods for assessing the impact of standardization, unification and metrology on combat effectiveness, operational, repair and cost indicators of weapons and military equipment; research of problems of justification, formation and improvement of systems of operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment; development of ways to ensure and comply with the specified values of operational and repair characteristics; improvement of management of operation and restoration of weapons and military equipment.
The main task of the Faculty is and remains the training of specialists in the field of creating of software and hardware elements and complexes of automated troops control systems, the development and improvement of the organization of the educational process, the formation of professionally important personal qualities and military professional skills, using the combat experience of direct participation of officers who took and are taking part in the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the east of Ukraine, the further development of military information systems, automated control systems of troops and the development of the Unified automated control system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, their practical operation and modernization.
On the basis of the information and telecommunications node of the Department of Automated Control Systems, the Local Area Network of the Institute is deployed, which unites classrooms and classrooms equipped with modern means of information technologies of the educational process. Teaching of the material is accompanied by electronic presentations using modern interactive learning tools: multimedia whiteboards, original software and hardware complexes, virtual laboratories, distance learning systems, etc.
The Department of Automated Control systems has launched a specialized class on the study of Cisco equipment, in which cadets acquire practical skills in working with modern computer network equipment and improve their theoretical knowledge in the disciplines of the Department.
The Department of "Technical and Metrological Support" has obtained licenses for training drivers of Category "B" and "C".
During classroom session and during self-development hours, as well as during working out issues of military scientific work, cadets have instant access to the resources and services of the Global Information Network Internet. A modern environment has been created for training military specialists in performing information warfare tasks in computerized systems, in particular, ensuring the security of computerized systems, as well as planning and imposing destructive cybernetic effects on enemy computerized systems.
Cadets and students studying in the training program at the Faculty are laureates and prize-winners of all-Ukrainian and institute competitions of student papers.
The scientific and pedagogical potential of the Faculty consists of leading scientists and highly qualified specialists.
Currently, 34 research and teaching staff carry out educational activities, including:
Doctors of Sciences – 3;
Candidates of Sciences – 13;
Professors – 2;
Associate Professors – 11;
Senior Research Fellow – 1.
Research interests of Faculty lecyurers include the creation of Decision Support Systems with elements of artificial intelligence; research of network technologies from the point of view of Information Security; creation of intelligent learning systems and development of distance learning technologies; modeling of complex systems and automation of their management processes; ensuring information security in computerized systems; development of methodology and methods for imposing destructive cybernetic influence in cyberspace; research of issues of improving the efficiency of functioning of information and search engines; development of information and calculation and analytical systems; improving the efficiency of maintenance and repair of military communication and automation equipment; reducing labor costs for maintenance and repair of military communication and automation equipment; improving the quality of storage of communication equipment and automation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; automation of processes for managing technical support of communications and automated troops control systems at all levels of subordination; optimization of the range of measuring equipment, taking into account their morale, physical aging and supply opportunities for security.
The Departments effectively operate circles of military scientific societies of cadets.
Research and teaching staff of the departments conduct additional classes and consultations with cadets.
The Departments train students and cadets to defend their qualification papers.
Educational work is a system of organizational, moral and psychological, informational, pedagogical, legal, cultural and educational and military-social measures aimed at: high efficiency of the educational process; strengthening military discipline and law and order; cohesion of military collectives; formation and consolidation in military personnel and military units of stable mental qualities necessary to perform the tasks of military professional activity, adequately to their complexity, significance and importance.
The process of educating of military personnel at the Faculty is based on the formation of cadets of:
The main efforts in educational work, humanitarian and social spheres are focused on:
Special attention is paid to the development of Physical Culture and Sports. The staff of the Faculty has the opportunity to attend various sports sections, clubs and a swimming pool.
© Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, 2009-2024.
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