Employee of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Lesya M. KOZUBTSOVA
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
The Department provides training of fundamental mathematical disciplines ("Higher mathematics", "Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics", "Decision-making theory") and Physics ("Electricity and magnetism", "Fundamentals of electrodynamics", "Fundamentals of quantum physics", "Fundamentals of quantum mechanics", "Solid-state physics", " Semiconductor physics", "Сontact phenomena", "Quantum electronics", "Nuclear physics") for cadets (extramural students) of all training specialties at three faculties. In order to ensure a high quality of the educational process of training cadets, the training at the Department is organized taking into account the educational needs of participants in the educational process in terms of in-depth training of programs of academic disciplines, as basic, for further study by combining a lecture course with laboratory and practical classes, where each cadet is actively involved in solving tasks, and the results obtained are introduced into the practice of training.
During their training, cadets receive fundamental mathematical training, which is combined with the ability to set, analyze and effectively solve modern applied tasks and high practical skills in further programming, solving problems related to data processing and analysis.
The purpose of the Department is to provide cadets with the knowledge necessary for training specialists in the fields of Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications, Military Sciences, National Security, and State Border Security. The strategic task of the Department remains the development of didactic materials, electronic manuals for classes in all academic disciplines of the Department. The Department has 11 lecturers, including 1 Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, 4 Associate Professors, Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
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